By plane:
Naples Airport
Milan Airport
Rome Airport
Airlines from and to naples
By train:
- Trenitalia
- Tickets
- Uniconapoli metropolitan railway network
- Metronapoli
Sede centrale sedi del Rectorate, offices of the Central Administration, Sport Sciences
Via Amm. Acton, 38 – 80133 Napoli
Sede di Palazzo Pacanowski: Polo Law and Economics
Monte di Dio, via G. Parisi n. 13
Sede del Centro Direzionale, Polo di Engineering and Sciences and Technologies,
Centro Direzionale (ISOLA C4)
Sede di Villa Doria d’Angri
Via Francesco Petrarca n. 80 – 80123
No, it does not provide accommodation.
Academic year
the accademic year is generally divided in two semesters, the first starts at the beginnig of October and ends in February, while the second semester starts at the beginning of March and ends in July. Each semester lasts 20 weeks and it includes the exam sessions.
The lessons include theory, seminars, laboratory activities and practical training. All the activities take place in University facilities. Students are required to attend the lessons and to take up a serious individual learning commitment to prepare for their exams.
Each subject in the student’s planning has a final written/oral exam. There are different dates to sit the exam. Each student has a right to refuse a mark if he is not satisfied with his performance.
For each exam the pass mark is 18, while the top mark is 30. If your exam is excellent the professor can decide to give you a merit awarding you with the mark 30 cum laude. The final graduation mark takes into account the average mark of all your exams, of the dissertation you produce and of your final graduation presentation. The graduation commitee can award a maximum mark of 110/100 cum laude.
Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e quantitativi
Dipartimento Studi Economici e Giuridici
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Dipartimento Studi Aziendali ed Economici
Dipartimento Scienze Motorie e del Benessere
Dipartimento Scienze e Tecnologie
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No, Italian law does not allow students with student visa to start any working activity.